Qwire rehearses every Thursday night and always welcomes new members.


Please contact the email below if you'd like to come and try us out:


Remember to check Qwire Facebook page for news and updates.


COVID safe Canberra Qwire rehearsals run from 7pm-9pm each Thursday.




You want to try singing in a choir but don't know where to start?
You want to join Qwire, and again don't know where to start?

Come sing with us!

The only requirement is you want to sing.
No audition required.
No obligation to join. 
But we do hope you like us and come back for more!

Thursday 7pm-9pm

We will start singing at 7pm, so please arrive around 6.45pm
so we have time to get you settled in.

New members should contact enquiries@canberraqwire.org.au regarding joining our Qwire.

If you have any questions at all please send us a message.
Hope to see you there!


        Qwire acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which we sing and come together.  We pay
        our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.  We recognise that sovereignty was never ceded and
        that this was, always will be Ngunnawal land.


        We pay our respects to the Ngunnawal people of this region and say to you, with their permission,
        Yuma - Welcome.  

With financial support from the Australian Capital Territory.

Qwire is proudly supported by our Community Partner  Meridian

Qwire is proudly sponsored by Northside Community Service

Qwire is proudly supported by our Community Partner A Gender Agenda

Qwire is proudly supported by our Community Partner SpringOUT

Qwire is proudly supported by our Community Partner Coordinate


Qwire is proudly supported by our Community Partner 
Instant Colour Press

Copyright © 2025 Canberra Qwire