


Qwire is grateful for the patronage of the ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Her Excellency Gerarda Adriana Cornelia Maria Stoios-Braken.

30th Anniversary Message from our Patron - Andrew Barr, ACT Chief Minister

Congratulations to Qwire on three decades celebrating the best of Canberra’s diverse musical community.

I am proud to have been Qwire’s patron since 2011, and it’s a testament to the long hours and hard work of the Admin team and all past and present singers that Qwtribution to our diverse city. It is groups like Qwire that contribute to our city’s pride and our place as Australia’s most inclusive and LGBTQIA+ friendly city.

We know that many LGBTQIA+ people grow up feeling isolated from their family, peers, and community because of who they are. That’s why the work that Qwire does to create a welcoming, open community is so important.

To be welcomed and accepted regardless of sexuality, identity, gender, or even musical ability is a special thing. Qwire ensures that no matter who you are, or what stage of your journey you are at, there is a community who will accept you and come together through the wonder of music.

I thank Qwire for the important role you play in promoting diversity and inclusion in this city and connecting the local LGBTQIA+ community. Enjoy this wonderful celebration. And of course, thank you for sharing your performances with Canberra.

On behalf of the ACT Government, I wish you all the very best for your 30th Anniversary, your Singing Out With Pride Concert and the next 30 years!

Andrew Barr
ACT Chief Minister

Message from our Patron the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Her Excellency Gerarda Adriana Cornelia Maria Stoios-Braken

I am proud and thrilled to be a patron of Qwire. One of  the first invitations that I received when I was still in Jakarta, preparing for my new job as Ambassador to Australia, was a save the date for Qwire's 30th anniversary concert. I heard from my predecessor that she had been a patron as well and the same may have been the case for some of her predecessors. 

It should not come as a surpise that the representative of The Netherlands in Australia feels a connection with Qwire, given my country's track record on the promotion of human rights in general and LGBTQI+ rights in particular. The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalise same sex marriage in 2001 and Amsterdam is regarded as one of the friendliest cities in the world for the LGBTQI+ community. This is not to say that all is well. Many members of the community still feel misunderstood, discriminated, ridiculed, excluded. In the Netherlands, but also here in Australia, and more globally. As Dutch Ambassador I will try to help build bridges and promote inclusion, where and when opportune. I am confident my connection with Qwire will serve as inspiration.

Attending the anniversary concert was a good start: It was heartwarming to learn how Qwire meant so much for so many of its members over the last 30 years: a community that welcomes everyone, where everyone can sing out with pride! It was a pleasure to listen to the great variety of songs and end the concert on a high - singing along with Queen's 'Don't stop me now'. Looking forward to many more to come!


Qwire is thrilled that Ambassador Marion Derckx of the Kingdom of The Netherlands has accepted our invitation to be the Qwire's patron. The Netherlands has a proud record of support for LGBTQIA rights, and we very much appreciate the Ambassador's commitment to our community in Canberra.

“I am very happy and proud to become a co-patron of Qwire, along with Chief Minister Andrew Barr. Qwire creates a safe, warm and musical environment for LGBTQIA+ people and their allies in Canberra. They’ve been doing so for over 25 years!
The Netherlands will actively continue to promote LGBTQIA+ rights, because all human beings should have the right to be themselves. It doesn't matter who you are, how you identify, or whom you love.
Orange is always part of the rainbow!”

Marion Derckx
Ambassador for the Kingdom of the Netherlands

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