Join Canberra Qwire

To join as a member of Canberra Qwire, please fill in this form.

Existing members, please do not use this form

Given names:
Preferred name (for your nametag):
Your pronouns:   Required

If "other", please specify...
Any accessibility/inclusion issues:
:   Required (name, phone, relationship)
Singing section   Required
1 = higher notes
2 = lower notes
No problem if you want to change sections
I might be interested in assisting occasionally or in the future with:
Other instruments played or other relevant skills:

Membership fees

Membership fees cover costs of your sheet music and Qwire operations e.g. licensing, venue, musicians etc.
Qwire aims to be accessible to everyone so don't let fees be a barrier.

Payment details are on the invoice that will be emailed to you once we process your application.

Qwire T-shirt: $30. A Qwire T-shirt is a usual uniform for community performances. We usually expect to place an order with our supplier through our Merchandise officer once per semester, and announcements will be made at rehearsal and via Qwire email when we intend to do so. Please contact the Merchandise officer to discuss your needs and sizing.

Please note that by lodging this application, you agree to:   Required

abide by the aims, object and rules of Qwire;

Qwire's Code of Conduct